Above All
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

Above All

This is the twelfth installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at Jesus as the one who is above all.

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He Must Increase, I Must Decrease
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

He Must Increase, I Must Decrease

This is the eleventh installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at Jesus as the bridegroom.

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Save the World
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

Save the World

This is the tenth installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look Jesus' love for the world.

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A Meeting by Night
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

A Meeting by Night

This is the ninth installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at the conversation Jesus has with Nicodemus.

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He Did Not Entrust Himself
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

He Did Not Entrust Himself

This is the eighth installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at Jesus saying that he did not trust those believers at the passover feast.

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Destroy & Raise
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

Destroy & Raise

This is the seventh installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at Jesus saying he can raise the temple in three days after it is destroyed.

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Zeal for Your House
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

Zeal for Your House

This is the sixth installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at the cleansing of the temple during passover.

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Water Into Wine
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

Water Into Wine

This is the fifth installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at the wedding at Cana and the first sign of Jesus Christ.

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The Rabbi
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

The Rabbi

This is the forth installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at the calling of the first disciples.

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Behold the Lamb of God
Pastor Adam Perez Pastor Adam Perez

Behold the Lamb of God

This is the third installment from our series on the Gospel According to John. This morning we look at the testimony of John the Baptist about Jesus.

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